We do apologize! There is a technical error with the live stream! This video will be going up as soon as the event concludes. In the meantime, we have turned on the landing page. Please read through this carefully. There's information on how to type your address inside Bus Planner, select the 2024-2025 school year, and see if you're potentially impacted. Additionally, please be sure to check PowerSchool to make sure your proper address is inside of PowerSchool. https://www.ncpschools.net/page/ncps-proposed-maps-and-presentation
10 months ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
Good morning, NCPS Families: Below is some important information regarding the upcoming Community Forum meetings. Please note that the maps will be shown at these meetings. Landing Page for the Proposed Attendance Zones: https://www.ncpschools.net/page/proposedattendancezone Q&A LINK - Please continue to submit your questions to be addressed: https://www.ncpschools.net/forms/community-forums-on-school-school-attendance-zone The Community Forums will also have a live broadcast next Monday and Wednesday, the link for the viewing is the NCPS YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/@PRDptment We hope to see you next week in person. Thank you!
10 months ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
Community Forums NCPS
🎨Celebration of the Arts🎨 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, 3/26 at Rocky Mount High! Join us to celebrate the brilliance of Nash County Public Schools' students at our Celebration of the Arts! This event showcases artwork from students across the district. After the celebration, the artwork will be displayed at the Braswell Memorial Library throughout the month of April. Then it will be at the NCPS District Office in the Superintendent’s Art Gallery. 🖼️🎨✏️ #ArtsMonth #CelebrateArtinEducation #NCPS #NCPSchools #NCPSProud #CelebrationoftheArts #ArtworkDisplay
11 months ago, Nash County Public Schools
Celebration of the Arts
Unity Fri-Yay! Come together as a community of unity and wear green as a symbol to prevent Gun Violence and share your photos in the comments! Gun violence is preventable when you know the signs. “Say Something” upstanders have helped Sandy Hook Promise prevent 7 school shootings and 60+ acts of violence with a weapon.
11 months ago, Nash County Public Schools
Say Something
In 4 out of 5 school shootings, at least one other person had knowledge of the attacker’s plan but failed to report it. People who hurt themselves or others often show warning signs before they carry out an act of violence. #SaySomethingWeek #SaySomethingSavesLives #NCPSchools
11 months ago, Nash County Public Schools
We promise to Say Something
I promise to be an #Upstander and ”Say Something” when I see someone at-risk of hurting themselves or others. #SaySomethingWeek #SaySomethingSavesLives #NCPSchools
11 months ago, Nash County Public Schools
Parents Did You Know… Your Child can ride the wave of success with healthy breakfast options at school? Established in 1989, National School Breakfast Week (NSBW) celebrates how school breakfasts can set students up for daily success. By observing this special week every year, we’re encouraging all K-12 schools to recognize the importance of a healthy start to the day with breakfast to fuel children’s academic success. #NCPS #NCPSchools #NSBW24 #surfsupwithschoolbreakfast
11 months ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
school breakfast week
Know the Signs: Preventing Gun Violence and Other Harmful Acts This #SaySomethingWeek, NCPS is raising awareness on learning the warning signs of violence and how to get help. Here are the 3 steps: – Recognize The Signs – Act Immediately, Take It Seriously – Say Something www.sandyhookpromise.org/warning-signs
11 months ago, Nash County Public Schools
take the pledge
Tomorrow morning!! Tune into Spectrum News on Friday, March 1, 2024 - in a detailed interview, Jeannie Kerr, Project AWARE director at Nash County Public Schools (NCPS), shared insights into the district's efforts to enhance student safety and mental well-being. With new safety legislation effective March 1, Nash County Public Schools has updated its protocols accordingly. Nash County Public Schools, distinguished as one of six districts in North Carolina to receive the Project AWARE grant, exemplifies commitment to creating a secure educational setting. This grant, provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and managed through the Department of Public Instruction, highlights the district's proactive approach to student safety.
12 months ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
project aware
NCPS has updated its dress code policy. If an individual believes that they have a cause to file a Title IX Sexual Harassment claim, please contact the following Title IX contacts: Sheila Wallace - Title IX Contact for Personnel Dr. Leondus Farrow, Jr. - Title IX Contact for Students Angela Miller - Title IX Contact for Athletics https://boardpolicyonline.com/?b=nash_county&s=160494
12 months ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
title 9
Good afternoon, Parents/Guardians: Nash County Public Schools (NCPS) will conduct an important Mass Communication Test on Friday, February 9, 2024. This test aims to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our communication systems, ensuring that we can reach all members of our school community promptly in critical situations. This test will involve each school in our district. For parents and guardians with contact information linked to their child's school records, please anticipate receiving notifications via text messages, voice calls, and emails. This initiative is crucial for confirming that our lines of communication are fully operational and that you are kept informed about your child's safety and school events. If your email or phone number fails during our test, please be advised that your child's school will attempt to contact you through alternative means. This may include sending a letter home with your child or employing another communication method over the following four weeks. We also want to remind you of the importance of keeping your contact information current in our system. You can review and update your child's details anytime through the PowerSchool Parent Portal, or contact your child's school. It is not uncommon for contact information to be incorrect by just a single digit, yet accurate details are crucial for ensuring that we can reach all parents and guardians effectively. Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to the well-being of our students and the broader school community. Thank you, Nash County Public Schools Click the following link for more info. https://nashdistrictupdates.edurooms.com/engage/ncps-communication-planning-engagement-department/newsletters/ncps-mass-communication-test-advisory
about 1 year ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
This event is still happening tonight! See you there!
about 1 year ago, Nash County Public Schools
AP Information Night
Nash County Public Schools (NCPS) takes the safety of its students, staff, and community seriously. In light of a social media threat and as a precautionary measure for safety, we are initiating a soft lockdown for all NCPS. Law enforcement has been informed and is currently investigating the situation. We appreciate your understanding and support as we work diligently to maintain a safe environment for everyone at NCPS. Thank you to law enforcement for keeping our schools safe. Please checkout this page for more updates, https://www.ncpschools.net/page/emergency-landing-page . The Rocky Mount Police Department (RMPD) and the Nash County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) are actively investigating this incident. For immediate concerns, questions, or if you have any information please contact Rocky Mount Police Department at 252-972-1411 or Nash County Sheriff’s Office at 252-459-4120. Definition of a Soft Lockdown: A soft lockdown is a proactive response to a potential threat when the credibility of the situation has yet to be determined. Law enforcement is conducting an ongoing investigation, and the safety of our school remains paramount. There will be an increased law enforcement presence both within and around the school to ensure the safety and security of our campus. We remain committed to providing updates as the situation progresses.
about 1 year ago, Nash County Public Schools
Weekly Parent/Guardian Newsletter from NCPS Parent/Guardian Newsletter: Week of January 29-February 2 Welcome to our weekly newsletter, your go-to source for a recap of the exciting happenings in Nash County Public Schools, as well as exciting upcoming events! In this edition, we'll review the highlights of the past few weeks, celebrate achievements, and keep you informed about upcoming events that you won't want to miss. Stay engaged with your school community and be in the know about all the latest news, accomplishments, and activities. Together, let's make every week a success! https://nashdistrictupdates.edurooms.com/engage/weekly-parent-guardian-newsletter/newsletters/parent-guardian-newsletter-week-of-january-29-february-2
about 1 year ago, Nash County Public Schools
Good Morning, Bus 142 for CITI High is running 1 hour late this morning due to mechanical issues. Bus 98 will be in its place. Please plan accordingly. We apologize for the inconvenience that this situation has caused. Thank you for your patience and have a great day.
about 1 year ago, Kevin Leonard
Weekly Parent/Guardian Newsletter from NCPS Parent/Guardian Newsletter: Week of January 22-January 26 Welcome to our weekly newsletter, your go-to source for a recap of the exciting happenings in Nash County Public Schools, as well as exciting upcoming events! In this edition, we'll review the highlights of the past few weeks, celebrate achievements, and keep you informed about upcoming events that you won't want to miss. Stay engaged with your school community and be in the know about all the latest news, accomplishments, and activities. Together, let's make every week a success! https://ncps.edurooms.com/engage/weekly-parent-guardian-newsletter/newsletters/parent-guardian-newsletter-week-of-january-22-january-26
about 1 year ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
Good Evening, Bus 95 for CITI High will not have a driver in the morning. Please plan accordingly. We apologize for the inconvenience that this situation has caused. Thank you for your patience and have a great evening.
about 1 year ago, La'Tricia Morris
Good Evening, Bus 349 for CITI High will not have a driver in the morning. Please plan accordingly. We apologize for the inconvenience that this situation has caused. Thank you for your patience and have a great evening.
about 1 year ago, La'Tricia Morris
Good Morning, Bus 350 for CITI High will not have a driver in the morning. Please plan accordingly. We apologize for the inconvenience that this situation has caused. Thank you for your patience and have a great evening.
about 1 year ago, La'Tricia Morris
Nash County Public Schools will start on a two-hour delay on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, to ensure the safety of the road conditions. Due to recent weather forecasts and prioritizing the safety of our students, families, and staff, Nash County Public Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay on Wednesday, January 17. This decision follows the latest update from the National Weather Service in Raleigh. The forecast indicates the possibility of isolated, patchy ice on pavements tonight and tomorrow morning. Furthermore, they anticipate sub-freezing temperatures in the morning, potentially dropping as low as 23 degrees, with a wind chill factor of 12 to 15 degrees. Revised Schedule for January 17, 2024: - Traditional High School: 9:30 a.m. - Elementary School: 10:00 a.m. - Middle School: 10:30 a.m. - Tar River Academy and CITI High School: 11:00 a.m. - Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School: 11:30 a.m. Breakfast will be available at schools. Students may be dropped off 40 minutes prior to the start of their school. If you ride the bus - please be on the lookout for transportation updates in the morning. Thank you for your understanding. Please stay safe in this weather. For any inquiries, contact your respective school. Please follow this link for updates: https://www.ncpschools.net/page/emergency-landing-page
about 1 year ago, Nash County Public Schools
Inclement Weather Update